48.0 N - 123.1 W - 263 ft Sunrise:08:01 - Sunset:17:52 - Moon:Waxing 1% Full
Fields | Measurements | Fields | Measurements |
Temerature: | 51.8 F | Wind Chill: | 51.8 F |
Heat Index: | 51.8 F | Dewpoint: | 46.2 F |
Humidity: | 81 % | Barometer: | 29.844 in + |
Wind: | E at 0 mph | High Wind: | 0 mph at 00:00 |
Recent Avg Wind: | 0 mph | Recent Beaufort Scale: | Calm |
Today's Rain: | 0.02 in | Rain Rate: | 0.00 in/hr |
High Rain Rate: | 0.00 in/hr at ----- | Storm Total: | 0.00 in |
Monthly Rain: | 0.04 in | Yearly Rain (JAN): | 11.45 in |
Air Density: | 1.234 kg/m^3 | Est. Cumulus Base: | 1287 ft |
High Temperature: | 52.4 F at 16:25 | Low Temperature: | 43.9 F at 09:18 |
High Heat Index: | 52.4 F at 16:25 | Low Wind Chill: | 43.9 F at 09:18 |
High Humidity: | 98 % at 11:48 | Low Humidity: | 73 % at 16:05 |
High Dewpoint: | 47.8 F at 11:49 | Low Dewpoint: | 41.9 F at 02:32 |
High Barometer: | 29.846 in at 17:50 | Low Barometer: | 29.693 in at 00:06 |
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